Green and dark grey Revive Financial logo

Helpful content to boost financial savviness


Insolvency + finance


Blogs, SEO website copywriting


Jarvis at Revive Financial gave me a call after being referred by one of my other clients due to my knowledge of the insolvency industry. They wanted help producing online content.


To carry out substantive copyediting on a number of blogs that had already been written and to write a series of new blogs based on topics provided. Copy was to be written, and delivery staggered, to a pre-defined schedule.


First, I familiarised myself with their business and brand by looking at their website and existing blogs. I then supplied a couple of sample edits/new blogs, which they were happy with, so I proceeded with the rest. The new blogs required online research around the topics. Once delivered, the client made very few edits or revisions.

I have since been working with Revive on an ongoing basis, writing blogs and SEO website copy.


Screenshot of Revive Financial Budgeting services website pageScreenshot of Revive Financial blog on bad debt