Black and white Awesome Human logo with hashtag

Awesome words for awesome humans


Retail and social


Website copy


My sister in law, Kacie, and her young family conceptualised a new retail design business, promoting a positive social message and giving back to Australian brands and charities.


Kacie asked me to help her develop the copy for her new website. The copy elements on the site were to be short and sweet and written in a light, engaging tone of voice, which would appeal to all ages. The pages written included Home, About, and Shop.


We initially got together for a chat so Kacie could tell me all about her plans and ideas for the business. As this type of retail for social good business is a relatively new concept, with very few similar brands out there, writing the copy involved some concept development and research into the meaning behind Awesome Human and how to explain it to buyers.

Image of brand copy with headline 'Spreading smiles, positivity and awesomeness'Image of Awesome Human product copy selling t-shirts